
People & Community

McEntire Produce owes its success to the hard working people on our production floor, the trucking staff and all of our managers and administrators. We strive to improve working conditions, employee benefits and job satisfaction for all of our people. We participate in third party social accountability audits and reward our team members for their extra efforts in times of high production.

Marketplace & Weekly Fresh Fruit

We began stocking our McEntire Marketplace with healthier food options, like whole grain sandwiches, smoothies, and larger pre-made salads.  Health information boards were placed in the common areas with topics on exercise, diet and health screenings.  At the end of 2019, we kicked off a fresh fruit program that provides approximately 1,000 servings of fresh fruit each week, free for our employees to enjoy. With this marketing, fresh fruit, and shifting the typical food offered toward the healthy spectrum, we are shifting the culture toward healthier eating habits.

Biometric Screening & Flu Shots

An annual Health Fair is held for all employees which includes free eye exams, and free extended biometric testing for any potential health issues the employee may not have known about, so that they can seek proper treatment.  Annually, CVS pharmacy set up at McEntire Produce to provide free, insurance covered flu shots in the Fall.  In 2019, over 200 employees participated in eye exams, biometric screening and seasonal flu shots.

Weekly Nurse 

A nurse is on site once per week to meet with employees by appointment to discuss any health concerns, take vital signs, and provide first aid treatment.

In-House Employee Education

Quarterly Tabletop Education Series held on-site features topics around Family, Financial, Lifestyle, Spiritual and Health provided by Corporate Chaplains of America, McEntire Produce, and local Providers in our community.

Corporate Chaplains of America, on-site workplace Chaplain 

People spend more time at work than anywhere else. Corporate Chaplains of America (CCA) brings care and compassion to the workplace, where it is needed most, and where it can make a meaningful difference. An appointed corporate chaplain visits multiple times a week, across all shifts to assist employees with any life crisis or daily life issues.  A chaplain phone service is also provided and available for free 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

Community Outreach

McEntire Produce is committed to making a positive impact in the communities where we live and work.  Including the following efforts:

American Red Cross Blood Drives – annually, we host the American Red Cross blood mobile on-site and encourage employees to donate

GSF Foundation, Build a Bike event – annually, contribute and send volunteers in bike building program for children

Harvest Hope, Transitions Homeless Center, and Providence Home – provide regular fresh produce donations

Ronald McDonald House Charities – annually, contribute to multiple regions across the southeast, as well as participating and volunteering in fundraisers, like golf tournaments and galas.

Ronald McDonald House, Columbia, SC – provide fresh fruit weekly

University of South Carolina – annually, contribute to Scholarship Funds